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58 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Fucking awesome

I can't decide which one is the best! They were all delicious.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

Thanks ren

Hot stuff

Great job! It was just like the movie.
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.4925 to 3.5007!

- Ren

biblo responds:


I had sex with it...

and then I voeted 5. LOL nickleback :P

biblo responds:



Congrats on the frontpage, Golden! >: (


The best ultimate prophet yet!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.0999 to 3.1087!

ThreeStar responds:



PS: Thanks for the review. :3


Nice work man. How's that tablet working for ya?

TheStarSyndicate responds:

I love the tablet. I actually started this movie using the old one. After I got the new one, I had to keep things consistent

Well , it's about time.

You've only been working on this for, what? Over a year now? And it's only partially finished! I think you spent more time making the opening credits than the actual movie. I gave you a 5 though, in hopes that if you win an award you might be motivated to finish this thing before another year goes by. Later dude, I gotta go puke and shit at the same time now.

- Ren


Dude, get your beak out of there. :P

cool-penguin-0 responds:



Lorem Ipsum

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus odio. Aliquam orci. Aliquam wisi tortor, congue at, nonummy sit amet, porttitor a, nunc. Maecenas semper urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Sed id leo non neque sollicitudin pretium. In quam sapien, fringilla ut, consequat eu, vestibulum ac, sapien. Fusce wisi. In aliquet adipiscing lectus. Integer varius lacinia pede. Aliquam vitae sem vel wisi cursus sodales. Aliquam nulla. Sed non augue a quam elementum viverra. Integer adipiscing, justo id pulvinar porttitor, nulla odio auctor lectus, et egestas orci nibh non massa. Maecenas nec purus. Maecenas viverra odio pharetra orci.

Nulla eleifend justo a sapien. Duis semper faucibus est. Etiam magna ante, pharetra venenatis, tincidunt nec, vehicula sed, mauris. Aliquam eu erat non leo dignissim pharetra. Ut sollicitudin. Donec tellus ipsum, posuere pulvinar, tempor id, venenatis eget, turpis. Aliquam pede. Donec dui elit, euismod id, ultrices nec, viverra sit amet, est. Integer dapibus, enim ut rutrum eleifend, elit ligula aliquam erat, a scelerisque justo ante sit amet tellus. Integer tempor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent lacinia eros in risus. Aenean purus risus, lacinia eu, vestibulum pellentesque, vehicula ut, wisi.

Nulla venenatis. Suspendisse adipiscing, dui nec hendrerit congue, pede ipsum rutrum odio, non pellentesque nisl eros eget nunc. Fusce volutpat tincidunt nibh. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse scelerisque, dolor nec molestie eleifend, mi purus ultricies ligula, a vestibulum sem massa in turpis. Maecenas mattis consectetuer justo. Nullam quis turpis ut eros eleifend luctus. In dapibus elit eu nulla. Nam at massa a pede faucibus sollicitudin. Duis et magna vitae erat facilisis porttitor. Donec ut felis nec ligula luctus vehicula. Nulla id pede. In non est. Curabitur tincidunt erat id nulla facilisis egestas. Duis sit amet metus. Fusce ut urna at erat placerat volutpat. Cras gravida. Suspendisse pharetra, nulla id auctor laoreet, augue justo tempor risus, vel pellentesque tortor ante eu velit.

Integer vel eros quis diam blandit lacinia. Phasellus massa sapien, rutrum vel, pulvinar et, molestie a, urna. Curabitur dui urna, tincidunt ac, luctus et, pulvinar volutpat, velit. Maecenas ut quam. Aliquam eu massa ut quam aliquam vehicula. Maecenas id nunc eget sapien bibendum interdum. Nunc dignissim. Aenean sit amet ligula. Nullam ipsum ligula, vehicula eu, elementum eget, feugiat eget, ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Donec nisl risus, laoreet quis, fringilla id, ultricies nec, dolor. Vivamus malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi laoreet mi non odio. Vestibulum viverra condimentum lorem. Duis auctor lacinia purus. Proin tempus consequat dui. Etiam sit amet metus sit amet arcu congue auctor. Mauris gravida lacinia diam.

Ctiger responds:

I see....

I was going to vote 0...

But I wanted the save point so I gave you a 2. What was this movie about again?

JujubeLock responds:

I know you. Hi

You wouldn't like me if you met me.

Age 44, Male

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